
We choose to live in a county that doesn’t have too many regulations on building. The process was really easy! I received the application for our building permit in the mail, it was just a few pages long and we literally drew our sketch on the application and needed to submit it with a fee.
We packed up the kids and headed about 35 minutes north to submit it. We needed to get a signature on our building application from health and welfare but the lady wasn’t in yet so we took the kids to get ice cream and walked through some shops. After spending some time making the day more memorable with some fun family memories the lady called us and told us she was back so then off we went to get our building permit submitted. We set the whole day aside because we assumed it would be a process. It wasn’t. .. it was super quick and easy! Now we just needed to wait for a few weeks to have our building permit approved and sent to us.
While we were waiting for that we still had plenty to do!  It was summer so that means I had my babies at home with me for summer break. They loved being able to run around and play but they were used to watching tv to help pass time. Since we finally had a big enough space I bought the kids a trampoline and made it my mission to set it up.


I let them jump just a little then put the net up.

We bought some barrels to haul water until we get our well drilled and we fill them up in town. 100 gallons for .25 cents.

Then I got them a pool and made a few extra trips to get water to fill it up so they could play.
I may have enjoyed it as well!

We did a lot of other fun things that summer to explore our new area and to keep cool! Work hard play hard, right?

We also got a new puppy!  Captain Jack Sparrow, a Blue Heeler for when we have cattle, goats, and whatever else we decide to get.

We got our permit! Go time!
We rented a track loader and cleared the area for our cabin! This was a pretty exciting time. The very first time we had stepped onto this land it was so raw.

Chad had a vision that I struggled to see but he had everything so well planned out! I always just followed his lead. At this point this land was not only our dream come true but our home. We really enjoyed spending the first summer in the trailer but we had this overwhelming feeling of winter fast approaching, we knew we needed to get as much work done as we could to set us up for the winter.



We got as much work done as we could with the track loader. We fixed the road coming into our property (It had very deep ruts), flattened our driveway, cleared a huge spot for our garden, cleared the spot for our cabin and a path going towards the back of our property.
I will always remember this day because I could only help for half the day because I had a charity event to go to that evening. I am kinda leaving out that I still worked a lot this summer as a realtor. Writing deals in my trailer, starting up the generator to be able to send searches to my amazing clients, but the part that was funniest to me was trying to look put together when I live out in the woods, off grid and we were defiantly not set up yet.
This event inparticular is just for women and there may be wine there. 🙂 it’s a pretty fancy event and all the women look beautiful. …. I made jokes that I was most likely the only women their that had to turn on a generator to get ready in her trailer lol. I had a blast that night though.



With the land cleared, the next step would be the cabins foundation…

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